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Wednesday, 24 February 2016

The Revenant // Film Review

So recently myself and a few friends went to see "The Revenant" at the cinema. Honestly? I was going because Tom Hardy was in it.

I knew it was nominated for a good number of awards but that doesn't necessarily get me interested in a film. It's a problem I've always had with the Oscars and the BAFTAS and other such awards, you can always predict the films that will do well, without even seeing them and often they're films I don't even want to watch.

So basically I was going to see this film knowing that
a) Tom Hardy and Leonardo Di Caprio were in it 
b) There was a bear attack and
c) It was set in a cold climate

As you can tell I wasn't expecting much but I was seriously impressed. Before I start gushing about this film I would like to say that if you are going to see this film to see Tom Hardy in all his beautiful glory then you will be disappointed. While Tom Hardy's acting was on point as per usual his character was not attractive or particularly nice.

The cinematography in this film was incredible. Like, seriously incredible. I don't think I've ever got to the end of the film and the first positive thing I have to say is to complement the camera work. But Oh My Goodness. For a film that's main colours are white and black you are never bored of the scenery. The effect of such a bleak scenery is that when there is a flash of another colour it's seriously effective. Mostly these flashes of colour come in the form of red, either from fire or blood.  For a film based around revenge and brutality it's a seriously beautiful film. The characters were incredible. They were so raw and real. It wouldn't be a huge push for me to be convinced that this film was a real story.

Leonardo Di Caprio was unrecognisable in his role. So often with Di Caprio when he has the lead in a film I can't help but feel like he's all I can see, and even when he's playing another character I can see Di Caprio playing the part. Does that make sense? But in this role I didn't notice Di Caprio at all. I noticed his character but only his character. He was Hugh Glass.  If Leonardo Di Caprio doesn't get the oscar for this performance I will be completely shocked and disappointed, and I don't even particularly like
him. That's how good his performance was. Tom Hardy's character was equally as good and when the two of them were on screen it was pure genius.

Never have I enjoyed a film with so little dialogue, colour and music so much.
If you haven't seen The Revenant I cannot reccomend it enough. Go and see it. Scratch that. Go and experience it. And see it at the cinema with a big screen and surround sound. This film was designed for the big screen.

Have you seen "The Revenant"?
What did you think?
Kate // SK

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