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Monday, 22 February 2016

Book Haul // February

 So once again I succumbed to the siren call of Waterstones. I just can't help myself, it's an addiction. I managed to restrain myself to four books. Some of you may be thinking "four books seems like quite a lot" but when you spend around an hour in the bookshop with a pile of around ten books, only buying four is an achievement.

 Room - Emma Donoghue
I've been wanting to read this book for a while now, especially since the film came out so I decided to pick it up. One thing about me - I hate book covers which are pictures of the film or tv show based off them. I will always search for the original book cover.

 Call the Midwife - Jennifer Worth
I am OBSESSED with the tv show Call the Midwife and so I thought it was about time I finaly picked up the book that inspired the show. Again you will notice I went for the original book cover not the tv show based one.

 The Churchill Secret KBO - Jonathan Smith
I actually have a tattoo that says "KBO" so when I saw it on a book I decided I really should have a book that matches my tattoo. For those of you who don't know "KBO" stands for "Keep Buggering On".

The Opposite of Loneliness - Marina Keegan
This is a collection of essays and stories posthumously published after the author Marina Keegan tragically died five days after her graduation. I'm already half way through this book and it is so evident how talented Marina was.

What are some of the books you've picked up recently?
Tweet us @SimplyKarah10

Kate // SK

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