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Friday 26 February 2016

TGIF // Friday Favourites

 Some of you may know that I've given up diet coke for lent. If you know me you'll know how much diet coke I'll drink, I don't want to be dramatic but oh my goodness do I miss diet coke. So now I've discovered Ice Tea, I'd only ever had peach tea before and I hate peach so I assumed I didn't like iced tea. Man was I wrong.

I'm really enjoying this compilation of essays and poems, it's so easy to dip in and out of it and the writing is beautiful.

My old boots fell apart (RIP) so these are my replacements. Once I remove the tassels and wear them a bit more I think I'll really like them. Unfortunately they're quite clip cloppy but I'm hoping once the sole's are worn down a bit that will stop.

After a disasterous incident involving the brush half of this mascara and the back of my radiator (20 minutes of frustration involving a grabber and a realisation of how many things I've dropped down the back of the radiator) I've truly come to realise how much I love this mascara. It makes my lashes look amazing!

Anyone who knows me will be laughing at this one. If I had to pick one item of clothing for the rest of my life his would be it. In fact I'm wearing it right now. This is the ultimate comfort jumper and I love. love, love it. I got it from an etsy shop a year or so ago and it's my favourite thing.

What are some of your Friday favourites?
Tweet us @SimplyKarah10

Kate // SK

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