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Tuesday, 5 April 2016


Thank goodness Lent has finally ended! I always start Lent thinking its a really great idea and then half way through I start to question my decision.
If you don't know, this year Kate and I both gave up things in the "food and drink" category. I gave up chocolate and Kate gave up Diet Coke. This is a big deal. For both of us.

Now if you go by Catholic terms then you have a "rest" day every Sunday and boy were we going to do this. We're not Catholic, we're Christian and for Lent we don't have Sunday's off, for some reason we just do 40 days straight with no "rest" days. But this year we needed those Sunday's. However, we didn't typically go for Sunday's. We had one "rest" day when it was the Oscars because it was cause for celebration and then we saved up our other 3 Sunday's for the youth weekend away at our church because my goodness you need chocolate and Diet Coke when dealing with the Rugrats.
Even with these, what I like to call, cheat days it was difficult.

Lent is about giving something up and reflecting and focussing on what's important in life. It's also about Spiritual Growth, which sounds quite weird and scary but it's not. The reason we give something up is to represent fasting. It's one way of remembering the time Jesus fasted in the desert and is a test of self discipline.
If I'm being completely honest, I don't really think I grew spiritually while doing Lent. Overtime I craved chocolate I didn't think about Jesus in the desert, I just thought I had made the biggest mistake of my life and that I'd never do it again. Plus, every time I wanted chocolate I'd just replace it with something else. Something just as sugary and unhealthy as chocolate.

Now that it's over I've had a fair share of chocolate. My conclusion was that chocolate isn't as great as I thought it was. However, this changed today when I bought cadbury bitsa wispa. Oh man, Cadbury's chocolate is GREAT! Galaxy not so much. That's all I say. Cadburys chocolate is good.

Did you give anything up for Lent? Let us know!

Twitter: @simplykarah10

Bekah // SK x

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