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Saturday, 30 April 2016

Monthly Favourites | APRIL

I missed Decembers and January's and February's oh and March's monthly favourites! I'M SORRY!
There's no excuse...apart from I've been working. But what kind of excuse is that?

I'll just get straight into this months favourites.

1. Loreal True Match Foundation. I have a small feeling that I used to own this when I first started Uni but I really can't remember. Anyway, when I first got paid I decided it was time to start buying makeup that was a little bit more pricey, purely because I'd never owned any and I wanted to see how my skin would take to it. Priciest drugstore makeup is technically Loreal. I love this foundation! It's slightly watery but blends really well and has great coverage. You don't even need a lot, just a couple pumps and that's it. Definitely recommend.

Friday, 29 April 2016

TGIF // Friday Favourites

 Spring has sprung for this Friday Favourites, anyone who knows me is probably surprised by how much pink is in this post. Usually I am so not into baby pink but apparently when it comes to ginormous mugs, magazines and blusher I'm a pink girl!

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Couch To 5K // Week 4

Week 4:
5 minute walk
3 minute run and 90 second walk
5 minute run and 2 and a half minute walk
repeat twice
5 minute cool down

Run 10:

Oh wow. Today was hard, last week was a total running time of 9 minutes and this week it was increased to 16 minutes total. I think I hit my wall today and I'm not convinced I got through it, I just kind of ran along the top of it!

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Couch To 5k // Week 3

Week 3:
5 minute warm up
90 second walk 90 second run
3 minute walk 3 minute run
repeat twice
5 minute cool down

Run 7:

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

In The Spotlight // Kindle Books

I've always been a hardcore paper book advocate BUT I also love reading so I have inevitably succumbed to the call of the Kindle ebook. I mean how can I resist so many free books!?! I have inevitably read ALOT of books on my kindle app on my phone. I have to admit that the majority of the books I read are ones I would classify as "cheesy romance". When I think of all the books I've read there are two series that come to mind in particular. So I thought I would give you a run down of my two favourite series of books you can get on kindle.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Couch To 5k // Week 2

Week 2:
5 minute warm up
90 seconds run and 2 minute run (repeat 6 times)
5 minute cool down

DISCLAIMER: We've realised since finishing week 2 and comparing stats that the stats tracker on this app on my phone is RUBBISH. So although I'm still going to put up the screenshots of the stats as proof that I'm actually putting myself through this just know that It's not very accurate!

New Music | April

I am a massive lover of music. I love finding new music and sharing it with people just to see if they like it (and if they say no then I truly believe they have no taste).
Kate and I are constantly telling each other about new songs we've heard and will constantly send links to each other or put it on in the car while driving somewhere. 
We've both got quite a mixed taste in music which I quite like because it means we're more open to new songs of any genre. 

I've decided that each month I will post about the new songs we've been listening to, whether they're in the charts or just random finds. I'll give you my top 5 and why and will also link our Spotify as I'll be creating New Music | *Month* playlists to go alongside the posts.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

TGIF // Friday Favourites

I would first off like to complain about the photos in this post. It was an unbelievably grey day and my camera was not in a cooperative mood. So sorry!

A blog favourite for the last month or so has definitely been BohoBerry. Kara's entire blog is perfection but I've especially loved her Bullet Journal posts. I've not found anyone else who makes such a simply, effective and beautiful bullet journal!

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Realistic Wishlist | Kitchen

I don't know about you guys but I'm a massive fan of having my kitchen looking pretty good. And by good I mean I want nice but cool cutlery, lovely plates (that aren't too expensive), nice looking utensils and a kettle and toaster that match. But that's not that much right?

Here is my realistic wishlist for my future kitchen.

Anthropologie, Bronze Age Cutlery, £28
(I've decided that if I buy one set a month then I'll have enough cutlery to use when serving by the time I've moved out)

Monday, 11 April 2016

So You Had A Bad Day..

It happens. The bad day. Nothing goes right, you've not had enough sleep, it's THAT time of the month and everyone is just being annoying.
The internet is full of ideas for overcoming a bad day. The top 3 suggestions seem to be:
1. Yoga
2. Bath
3. Exercise

And while for some people these ideas might be great, the only one I want to do after a bad day is have a bath. So today I thought I would share a few of the slightly less predictable ways I try to turn a bad day around.

I know Bekah shared her de-stress methods a couple of weeks back but I'm thinking this would be more of an addition than an instead of kinda post! You get me?

Saturday, 9 April 2016

How-To | Finding Your Style

I'm in the process of starting something called a 'Capsule Wardrobe'. This is when you choose so many items to be in your wardrobe over a period of, at least, 3months. It's meant to also help you spend less money on clothes, which is something I desperately need stop doing, and then at the end of the three months you can spend a little bit on new clothes for the new season.
But anyway, another blog post will follow explaining how it all works and how I'm doing my 'Capsule Wardrobe'.

However, before we get to the 'Capsule Wardrobe', we need to find our style.
Indie, Bohemian, Chic, Grunge, Classy, Preppy, even a mix of styles.
If I'm being completely honest I just buy things that catch my eye and I feel look good on me and also are pretty comfortable. I never really thought about my style till recently and actually think it's a pretty good idea knowing what your style is.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Couch to 5k // Week 1

Week 1:
5 minutes warm up
60 seconds run and 90 seconds walk (repeat for 20 minutes)
5 minutes cool down

I'm going to post a screenshot of my stats tracker for each run, hopefully I'll see improvements!

Tuesday, 5 April 2016


Thank goodness Lent has finally ended! I always start Lent thinking its a really great idea and then half way through I start to question my decision.
If you don't know, this year Kate and I both gave up things in the "food and drink" category. I gave up chocolate and Kate gave up Diet Coke. This is a big deal. For both of us.

Now if you go by Catholic terms then you have a "rest" day every Sunday and boy were we going to do this. We're not Catholic, we're Christian and for Lent we don't have Sunday's off, for some reason we just do 40 days straight with no "rest" days. But this year we needed those Sunday's. However, we didn't typically go for Sunday's. We had one "rest" day when it was the Oscars because it was cause for celebration and then we saved up our other 3 Sunday's for the youth weekend away at our church because my goodness you need chocolate and Diet Coke when dealing with the Rugrats.
Even with these, what I like to call, cheat days it was difficult.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Netflix Addiction // The Documentaries

So, I'm going to start off on a rant and then we can get to the documentaries. Netflix have been total d-bags and blocked the use of VPN services. Basically this means that I can no longer pretend I'm in America and watch all the good stuff you Americans have compared to Britain. And yes I do understand why they've done this BUT if they aren't going to let me browse from America they can at least get more stuff on the British Netflix. Or, as I saw when clever person comment, charge different rates depending on how much there is available in your country. Raging.

But anyway enough of my ranting...let's get on with my top 5 documentaries you can watch on Netflix.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Realistic Wishlist | BEDROOM

Kate did a Wishlist Series a few months ago which I absolutely loved and I thought "Hmm, maybe I should give it a lil' bash".
So, I'm starting a new wishlist series called "Realistic Wishlist". Sweet and simple. And the first one is a Bedroom Wishlist.
I hope you enjoy!

Urban Outfitters: Knox Print Blue Duvet Set: £30-£50

Friday, 1 April 2016

Couch to 5k // Intro

I'm going to start this off by saying I hate running. Even when I was fit and could run a decent way I still didn't enjoying it.
I'm hoping that this time will be different and the magical running switch in my head will flick and I will become someone who finds running relaxing.
Some of you might know that each month I give myself a challenge to work on everyday that month.

Review // Room - Book and Film

When I first saw the book Room I assumed it would be  really depressing. I spend a lot of my time at work dealing with people who have been through horrible ordeals so I tend to steer away from books with a similar theme. When I found out it was coming out as a film I decided to find out a bit more about the story line. What I found out convinced me to give the book a go and I am so glad it did.
I think Room may be in my top 10 favourite books of all time. I've now checked out the film and I was equally impressed.

Synopsis (from the back of the book)
Jack lives with his Ma in Room. Room has a single locked door and a skylight, and it measures eleven feet by eleven feet. Jack loves watching TV but he knows that nothing he sees on the screen is truly real - only him, Ma and the things in Room. Until the day Ma admits there is a world outside.