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Monday 2 January 2017

New Year Promises // Kate

Last year I made several new years resolutions. They went okay. A solid C+ effort.
I'm not going to make resolutions this year.
Instead I am going to make promises to myself.

1. I will make time to read books
Every year I read less books than I want to. I spend more time watching Netflix or finding weird parts of YouTube than I do settled down with a good book. And the book always makes me feel better.

2. I will make myself meals
I have now moved out from my parents house so there are no longer any excuses for not making myself meals rather than buying sandwiches or take out. NO MORE EXCUSES KATE!

3. I will make time for learning
I'm a year and a half out of university and my goodness do I miss lectures and essays. I never want to get out of the habit of learning and teaching myself. I'm promising to take myself to museums and conferences, I'll listen to sermons and Ted Talks and read non-fiction books. I will feed my brain.

4. I will make use of my days off
Following on from my previous promise I will take myself to places I've never been, I will find new second hand bookshops, I will visit friends and go for walks. I will not spend my very rare days off doing errands and sleeping.

5. I will find a way of exercising that I enjoy
I owe it to myself. I feel better when I exercise but I hate running and I can't afford a gym membership and walking for no reason makes me irritated. This year I want to promise myself that I will try other ways of exercising until I find one that fits for me.

Have you made yourself new year resolutions? promises?
Let us know @SimplyKarah10

Kate // SK

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