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Saturday 21 January 2017

How Do I Survive | Moving Out

As many of you are aware, Kate and I have moved out of the parents house and into our own lovely, little home...exciting!
Moving out of your parents is a massive step for most people. It springs upon this new lease of independence. Where things will break, dishes won't magically get cleaned, washing will pile up, and the magic fairies don't live with you anymore.
I can, almost, guarantee that you will have some sort of breakdown. You'll get a tad bit homesick, you'll have a day where you just want to curl up in a ball and cry. You'll question whether this was the right decision. You'll find your flatmate annoying at times (sorry Katherine, it was only the day we moved in...I questioned moving out). I have gone through each and every one of these things. But now, I love where I live and know it was the best decision. 
But, just, how do you survive such a big change in your life?
I have collated a bunch of tips that helped me that I will genoursly pass onto you.

1. Breathe
Take a couple deep breaths and slow down. You'll feel yourself starting to calm a bit and it'll make you be able to think about what your doing.

2. Clear Your Mind
As difficult as it might be to clear your mind, especially if you're super stressed and anxious, it works. Throw out all your doubts and worries, all the positives, and start from the beginning. If you've already made the decision to move out and/or have already went and bought a house, then you really don't have a choice but to move. However, clearing your mind makes the move a little easier.

3. Budget
If you're moving into a property that is unfurnished then plan out what you need to buy. Write a list of what's most important and how much it's going to cost. Figure out how much money will be coming out your bank account, then add your furnishings to that, plus food (cause you have to live). Sensibley plan what you'll buy over the months and you'll be absolutely fine!

4. Weekly Shops
Unless you've always lived in a household where you buy things as you need them, then do a weekly food shop. Plan your meals, go round your house and write down what you need and buy it all in one. It'll actually save you a tonne of money!

5. Speak To Someone
Basically, stay in contact with people. I had a bunch of doubts the day I moved and after a while telling Kate was such a relief off my shoulders. I also talk to my mum a lot, we're pretty close so I'm happy to tell her when I'm happy and unhappy. She got a lot of my negativity laid on her and she was so helpful. Find someone to speak to if you're like me and worry and get stressed about these kind of things!

Do you have any other tip and tricks on how to survive moving out?
Twitter: @simplykarah10

Bekah // SK

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