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Thursday 12 January 2017

January Set Up // BuJo

New year New....Bullet Journal!
I admit to having some space left in my previous notebook but I like the idea of a fresh notebook for a fresh year.
Again I apologise for the rather awful picture quality, my camera is still not a happy bunny!

So I've not filled these in yet, but this is my 2017 overview. It's something I used a tonne last year. I basically use it as a future planner for the months I don't have set up yet. 

This spread is my 2017 goals/promises to myself. I've actually made an entire blogpost about my New Year promises which you can check out here.
The other side of the spread is my 2017 Saving Goals.

My monthly spreads are staying the exact same because I love how they look and they work for me as they are.

The biggest change to my bullet journal set up is my weekly layout which I have completely changed. If you look back at my Bullet Journal // Weekly Evolutions blog post here you will see that I change my layout for weekly spreads quite a lot. I thought a new bullet journal was the perfect chance to try something completely different. I'm no longer doing monthly trackers but this layout allows me to track sleep and steps which for the moment I think is enough.

So that's my January layout and we'll see next month how I like the new layout!

Kate // SK

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