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Tuesday 10 January 2017

How-To | Save Your Skin

I am a sufferer of dry, spotty skin. I'm prone to breakouts and redness. It can drive you insane. In all honesty, I'm not as kind to my skin as I think.
This year I have decided that I am going to look after my skin. Do those things that I really can't be bothered doing.
Here are my tips:

Moisturize before you go to bed. Before you put on your makeup. If you wear a primer with your makeup but don't moisturize try it instead. My skin has been so good recently and it's because I'm getting into the habit of moisturizing.

Wash Your Face
I feel this is crazy obvious but when I say wash your face I mean, take your makeup off at night. I am the absolute worst at taking makeup off at night because effort but, again, if you build a habit of taking it off at night it starts to become routine and you'll thank yourself for it.

Wear Less Makeup
I love makeup. Not because I'm obsessed with how I look but because I love experimenting. Recently, I started thinking why I wore foundation, mascara, eyebrow gel, blusher, etc. to work. I'm a nurse so yes, we have to look presentable but you don't want to look that "dolled up". I took it upon myself to put a little moisturizer on, some powder and mascara, because I NEED my mascara.
However, if you feel "naked" or it would make you feel more comfortable to wear makeup, try and substitute your foundation for a BB or CC cream or a tinted moisturizer. Something that'll be just that little bit kinder to your skin.

Drink Plenty
Of water. Keep yourself hydrated. It'll keep your skin moisturized too.
You'll notice a difference.

Have a proper sleep. A solid 8 hours. You won't wake up with bags under your eyes - score! It'll also make you feel up to actually doing all of the above.

Do you have any other tips for saving your skin?
Twitter: @simplykarah

Bekah // SK

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