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Tuesday 24 January 2017

Organising My Life

I'm not 100% disorganized but I definitely am not 100% organized. 
I'm trying to clean up my act in the whole organization side of my life, hopefully helping my stress levels along the way.
Here are a few things I've done recently to keep myself more organized.

Weekly Planner
I bought a weekly planner from Tesco in August and have only now gotten round to hanging it on my wall. It sits above my desk with each day of the week, split into three columns; Morning, Afternoon and Evening. It has a pad for lists and also a pad with stickers on it (who knows what I'll use them for). This helps me see what I have planned for the week coming whenever I'm in my room or, more, sat at my desk.

Oh this app! Kate introduced this to me the other day and I'm so, incredibly, in love with it. It's basically an app for lists. You make boards with tasks on them and score them off once complete. 
We have a board for the blog and also one for moving out, it makes us both super organized in the planning stages of moving out.

Keep a diary in your bag
I used to be pretty good at keeping a diary in my bag when I was at University but that seems to have changed ever since I graduated. I've now gone back to keeping my diary in my bag and filling it in every time I have a spare minute. Plus, whenever anyone asks if I'm free on a certain day then I've always got something to help me remember.

Some of you might be thinking I'm daft but honestly, keeping your room or house clean really does help. It, somehow, let's you have a clear mind and instantly just makes you feel better. I know, tidying is relatively boring but it really does help your mental state.

I'm so bad at getting a good nights sleep. I like being able to catch as much hours of the day as I can. I instantly regret this once it's time to get up, especially for work. Recently, though, I've been getting better at going to bed early and waking up less grumpy. My stress levels have reduced so much since getting a proper nights sleep.

Have you got any life tips on how to make your life more organized?
Twitter: @simplykarah10

Bekah // SK

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