2016. What a hell of a year! A lot has happened for many of us and around the world.
I started a new job, travelled, moved house - just to name a few. Brexit happened. Trump happened. Amazing celebrities lost their lives. It has been one hell of a rollercoaster.
I feel I've also learnt a lot of life lessons throughout the year.
Here are 12 things I learned in a year.
I have the most amazing friends
This year I became a lot closer to my little core group of friends. I realized just how much I can rely on them and also how valuable they are in my life. True friends are those who don't ditch you after you've pretty much blown up at them and angrily given them death stares...sorry guys, love you all really.
Happiness is key
For half of the year I just didn't feel like myself. My job was crap (still is, a little bit), my shift pattern was awful and I hadn't really had time off. After my little blow up with my friends I ended up going on holiday for two weeks and oh my word it was literally just what I needed. Kate then gave me "The Happiness Planner" for my birthday and again it was exactly what I needed. Honestly, if you're going through a rough patch in your life really consider purchasing one of these planners. It makes you think differently about the negative parts of your day and your outlook on your day is much happier.
My faith is growing
In December I was baptised. If you don't what that means, it's when you decide to give your life to God, and you're pretty dunked under some water symbolising the washing away of your sins. Anyhoo, this year my faith has grown and has been stronger than ever and I'm so glad and excited to continue this journey in my life.
It's okay to feel a bit s**t
You're going to have days where you just don't feel yourself and you're not that happy, bubbly person you normally are but that's alright! Everyone has crappy days and it's okay for you to have them too!
Who cares what people think
Finding who you are is so important and accepting and appreciating who I am is something I've learned this year. I've found my style, my personality, little things like that and am happy with who I am and don't care what others think.
Adulting is hard
I'm in a full time job, I have to pay for all holidays now, pay bills, have moved house, bought a new car, being an adult is hard and you have responsibilities. And yes, I reached the age of 23 and realised how blooming difficult it is, but I love it.
I can concur fears
My one fear in life is flying. I hate it. But this year I flew twice (the last time I flew I was 13) and that's a crazy achievement for me. I flew to Canada - long flight - and then flew to Amsterdam. And honestly, not as bad as I thought. I'm flying again this year and don't feel sick to my stomach thinking about it.
Moving out and missing your parents is normal
I've realised I rely on my parents a lot. Obviously that I live because they fed me and provided me with hot water and a bed but also emotional support. My mum and I are very close so moving out was tough for the both of us but we're surviving and missing her, and my dad, is perfectly normal. I've literally phoned my mum in tears because I was homesick and just having a bad day at work - totally acceptable.
Bad things happen
You know when you think certain "bad things" won't happen to you? You hear about them but you've never experienced it? Yeah that's not true. For example; crashing your car - yes, a guy might have gone into the back of me and cracked my bumper, so not a full on crash, but things like that are real and happen to anyone. Sad but true.
Being single isn't the end of the world
This has really been an ongoing lesson because I haven't been tied to any man since high school - a whole five years ago chaps! But I am embracing it every single year and enjoy being single. Not everyone is in a relationship you know, it's not just you.
Grudges aren't worth it
What do grudges achieve? Let go of what someone has done. Forgive and move on. Yes it might take a little bit of time but don't let those grudges way you down, don't hold onto them for months on end. Something I am still learning.
You aren't always right
I feel like a should really know this after 23 years but come on, we all have times where we think we're 100% right and everyone else is wrong. Truth is 5 times out of 10 you're probably wrong. 50/50 chance of being right, and at that I'm probably being generous.
What have you learned this year?
Twitter: @simplykarah10
Bekah // SK
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