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Monday 9 January 2017

January TBR

One of my new year promises to myself is to make time to read.
As part of this I am going to do a monthly TBR; hopefully by actually deciding ahead of time what books I should read I will be more likely to actually pick them up.

A Lineage of Grace - Francine Rivers
This book follows the lineage of the woman in the line of Mary (mother of Jesus) and the powerful impact they had on their surroundings. I first read this 5 years ago and it inspired me so much. I've been through a lot since then and I have a feeling I'll get even more from this book now.

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone - J K Rowling
Another re-read, this one if just a good start to the year. I haven't read these books in years but I have listened to them many many times on audio book.

Binocular Vision - Edith Pearlman
This is one that has been on my shelf for a while now. It is a collection of stories. I always like reading collections at this time of year because you can so easily dip in and out.

The Little Shop of Happy Ever After
I nice easy romance to start off the year. It's also a book about books so I'm happy.

And that's my January TBR. My reading goal for the year is 52 which would equal out at one book a week which I think is an achievable goal for me. While I would love to read more I'm trying to be realistic. We'll see how it goes!

Holiday TBR Update
What I wanted to read: Let It Snow, The Outrun, A Christmas Carol, The Christmas Mystery
What I read: Let It Snow, A Christmas Carol and I started The Outrun
Favourite Read: A Christmas Carol

Kate // SK

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