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Monday 31 October 2016

November Set Up // BuJo

So somehow it's the end of October and time to set up my bullet journal for November.

Nothing dramatically different this month, a couple of changes here and there but if I'm honest I'm saving my big changes for January and my new bullet journal.

This month I have slacked a little on my tracker, the last couple of weeks have been so busy that the last thing I have time for is tracking how little sleep I'm getting!

Setting up November has given me a new burst of love for my bullet journal so fingers crossed November will be a month where I use it loads!

As always if you have a bullet journal I would love to see it!

 My November monthly spread is no different than my previous few. The only difference is that it's much busier than it usually is before the month's even started!

 After really struggling to be bothered to fill in the tracker in October I have opted for a very reduced tracker this month. I'll see how I get on with this and then decide whether the tracker is something I want to keep at all.

Since getting rid of my monthly challenge this page has been sadly neglected. This month I decided to try something new and I've given myself a word of the month. Grace is the first word that popped into my mind when I thought about a word that I could reflect on this month so I'm going with it!

Kate // SK

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