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Monday 10 October 2016

Move Out With Us // Finding the Perfect Place

Did you know Bekah and I are moving out together? We currently both live with our parents but we've decided it's time to leave the nest (again in my case) and move in together.

There are ALOT of things to consider when you decide to move house. So we thought it would be cool to take you on this journey with us.

I've lived away from home before. As a student I lived in student halls as well as flats and houses. I've lived in homes with 7 people, 6 people, 4 people and 2 people and I moved house every year at uni (long story). So I do have some experience of flat hunting and moving out.

Bekah and I are currently at the planning stage so we thought we would share with you what we're doing and how we're doing it.

What are we looking for?
2 bedrooms of a similarish size
Easy walk or public transport for me to get to work
cat friendly
not on the main street of a town

Where are we looking?
local letting agents

The important thing to remember when looking for a new place is to know what you'll compromise on and what you will not budge on. So for me I will live in a place with a bit of trek to work if it's perfect in every other way. I will not live somewhere where my cat can't come.

So come with us on our journey as we move in together into what will  hopefully be the perfect place for us.

Anyone else moving house soon? Any tips?

Kate // SK

p.s. just to clarify in case anyone is wondering Bekah and I are just friends. We're also single so any guys who would like to apply give us a call...(I joke, I joke..unless you are Tom Hardy then please call me.)

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