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Friday 21 October 2016

TGIF // Friday Favourites

I've not done a Friday favourites in a while, most of my favourites recently have been birthday presents and I'm doing a blog post on my presents.

I just finished reading this book and if you're looking for a quick cosy read this is perfect. Plus if you know me you know I love a book about books!

Now I know, I know Pokémon Go is kind of old news but I love it and I'm not ashamed. It makes walks to work far more bareable and I'm competitive so I beating my friends is also a bonus!

This song has been in my head since it was released earlier this month. I didn't want to like it. It's so un-busted but it's catchy and I can't help it. Have you seen the video though? WEIRD!

I bought these heels new on Ebay, I am in love. They are so comfy and they were only £16!

Trello. That's what this image is about. Trello is an online project management solution. Simply put you can make boards for each project and then lists in that board to organise every little detail. I love organisation and this makes me very very happy.

What are some of your favourites at the moment?
Kate // SK

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