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Thursday, 3 December 2015

BLOGMAS DAY 3 // Edinburgh Christmas Market

There is nothing that make me feel more festive than going to a Christmas market and when it's the Edinburgh market you go to it's not just one little market. It's like the whole city centre is transformed into a winter wonderland. I literally spent the entire day saying "this is so magical". I was annoying myself and everyone else, I'm not even the type of person that usually says things like "magical" but for some reason when December hits I become that person. And you know what? I'm totally okay with that!

So anyway, here are some of the pictures we took last week. Hope you like them!

This isn't related to the Christmas market. This is 'The Globe' which is a slightly fancy place but just look at those pillars!!

I realise that this picture isn't the best quality BUT I just had to show you all the view of Edinburgh castle from Princes Street. Look at those trees. MAGICAL!!!

Seriously..the trees!

I don't know what this place was. By the time we got to this part of the market we were already running late for our train home. Whatever it is it's beautiful. I'm going to the market again soon, I solemnly promise to find out what this place is. If you know tweet us @simplykarah10

A Christmas tree maze. Yep, you read right. It's a maze made of Christmas trees covered in fairy lights. This has become something of a tradition for my group of best girl friends to do every year. I can't wait to go this year!

I've never been on a helter skelter (is that how you spell it?) but this one is flipping gorgeous!

The Christmas train! This train goes all the way around the children's area of the Christmas market. I've never been on it. Maybe this year?

And that's all we had time for folks! Sadly this was a very quick trip to Edinburgh but we will definitely be going at least once more (probably far more often), we can't resist the draw of all those fairy lights. 

Check out our instagram for more festive pictures of the things we're getting up to on blogmas! @SimplyKarah10

Have you been to the Edinburgh Christmas Market this year? 
What's your favourite thing to do at a Christmas market?

SK x

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