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Friday, 18 December 2015

BLOGMAS DAY 18 // The Second Week of Advent

This one is a little late. Despite loving my own idea to do a photo sum up of our weeks throughout advent I forgot. Oops sorry! But better late than never right?!

December 8th

This week my sister came home from University and this was the little welcome home/winter survival kit I made her. What can I say I'm a wonderful sister!

December 9th

I had work meetings on the 9th which meant getting the train which in turn meant getting Costa. Because train travel and coffee go together in my world. I never do one without the other. This was a gingerbread latte and it was the best one I've ever had.

December 10th

Look at him. This was honestly the only picture I took this day, apart from my daily snowman picture. But even if I'd taken other more exciting pictures I would probably have used this. I'm going to stop talking now before I go fully crazy cat lady and scare you all off!

December 11th

Despite my brother and sister both being home now and not needing a daily update I'm still taking the photos. I have a couple of friends I send it to. (Today Mr Snowman's board reads 7!!!)

December 12th

You might have already seen this picture from yesterdays blogpost but this was how I spent my Saturday so I'm showing you it again. Sorry, not sorry. I love my 7ft Christmas tree, plus it makes my house smell AMAZING!

December 13th

My Dad has recently become a cocktail maker extraordinaire. This one was based on a Bakewell Tart. It was amazing. It had Amaretto in it which tastes of marzipan, yummy!

December 14th

This is an article about Justin Bieber's new album in a magazine called Premier Youthwork Magazine. If you are a youth worker or interested in youth work and especially if you're a Christian I can't recommend this magazine enough!

So that's it, another week of advent done. And actually when you're reading this it's half way through the third week!
We hope everyone is having a good week. Tweet us some of your favourite picture moments from your week so far! @SimplyKarah10

Sk x

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