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Thursday, 10 December 2015

BLOGMAS DAY 10 // A Letter To Santa

Dear Santa,

Sorry I haven't written in a few years, I guess I got caught up in the adult world of non-belief. But I'm back now, back to a world of make-believe and wishes. I feel rather guilty only writing to you when I want something, it doesn't make for a very 'real' relationship does it. Maybe I'll try writing to you more often, just for a catch up. Do you read letters sent throughout the year? Or are you too busy sleeping?

How about if you send me a letter back and let me know if there is anything in particular you would like me to leave you out on Christmas Eve? A night of mine pies must get tiring. What would the reindeers like? They must have individual likes and dislikes. Send me a list of what they would prefer and I can see what I can do. Maybe get Mrs Claus to write me back if you're too busy? Or even one your elves?

So, to the point of the letter. Santa dearest if you could find it in your heart to bring me these two things I would appreciate it ever so much.
1. The perfect job - I don't know what this is, but you're clever so I'm sure you'll know. So if you could work out what my perfect job is and then get me that job I would be grateful.
2. A white Christmas - this is a dearest wish of mine, it's been an awfully long time since we've had a white Christmas here. Could it perhaps be our turn this year?

So sort out my life and give me the perfect Christmas day. That's not too much to ask is St Nick?

Thanks for all your hard work Christmas past, present and future.

Yours in hopeful anticipation,
K of SK

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