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Monday, 30 January 2017

Bookish Opinions

I've been talking a lot about books recently. Whenever I talk to a fellow book lover the conversation inevitably comes around to our bookish opinions. It's a conversation that can easily become heated. We book lovers are an opinionated lot! So I thought today that I would tell you my opinions.

New books or Second hand books?
I love both. My collection is probably made up of around 50% new books and 50% second hand books. I love bookshops of all shapes and sizes. But there is something about second hand bookshops that I just absolutely adore.

Hardback or Paperback?
Generally I prefer paperbacks for 3 reasons: they're cheaper, they fit on my shelves better and they're much more comfortable to read.

Bookmarks or Dog Eared?
Bookmarks. I am totally fine with battered old copies of books but I CANNOT STAND when people fold over the corners of books to mark their spot. I don't know why it bugs me so much but it just does.

Collecting sets?
I love collecting books in sets. I love the red spine vintage classics as well as the children vintage classic collection. My absolute favourite books are my Penguin Clothbound Classics, they are beautiful beyond description.

Annotating books?
Nope, I can't do it. I wish I could but I can't. Maybe this will change one day but at this time in my life I just can't bring myself to do it!

Where do I buy my books?
Usually I buy my books second hand from the Amazon Marketplace, new books I generally buy at Waterstones. Ideally I would love to be able to go to a little independent second hand bookshop but there just isn't one near me (sob!). There is a small independent bookshop in my town which I have started using.

I would love to hear all your opinions on this. Even if they do disagree with mine!

Kate // SK

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Music of the Moment

I thought today I would tell you some of the music I am loving at the moment.
My music taste is eclectic and what I want to listen to each day completely depends on how I'm feeling that day.

Lone Digger by Caravan Palace
This song would probably come under the genre of Electro Swing. Which in my opinion is one of the happiest and most likely to get me dancing genre there is. Listen to it. It may not sound like something you would enjoy but listen. Give it a go.

Smooth by Florida Georgia Line
The beginning of this song must be played loudly and through a good sound system. Enjoy.

Love$ick by MuraMasa ft Asap Rocky
Those steel drums though.

You And Me by The Unknown Neighbout (Axero Remix)

Tribe by Axero ft Billy Sax
I have no idea what they are saying in this song, but it sounds flipping good!

Kate // SK

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Organising My Life

I'm not 100% disorganized but I definitely am not 100% organized. 
I'm trying to clean up my act in the whole organization side of my life, hopefully helping my stress levels along the way.
Here are a few things I've done recently to keep myself more organized.

Weekly Planner
I bought a weekly planner from Tesco in August and have only now gotten round to hanging it on my wall. It sits above my desk with each day of the week, split into three columns; Morning, Afternoon and Evening. It has a pad for lists and also a pad with stickers on it (who knows what I'll use them for). This helps me see what I have planned for the week coming whenever I'm in my room or, more, sat at my desk.

Oh this app! Kate introduced this to me the other day and I'm so, incredibly, in love with it. It's basically an app for lists. You make boards with tasks on them and score them off once complete. 
We have a board for the blog and also one for moving out, it makes us both super organized in the planning stages of moving out.

Keep a diary in your bag
I used to be pretty good at keeping a diary in my bag when I was at University but that seems to have changed ever since I graduated. I've now gone back to keeping my diary in my bag and filling it in every time I have a spare minute. Plus, whenever anyone asks if I'm free on a certain day then I've always got something to help me remember.

Some of you might be thinking I'm daft but honestly, keeping your room or house clean really does help. It, somehow, let's you have a clear mind and instantly just makes you feel better. I know, tidying is relatively boring but it really does help your mental state.

I'm so bad at getting a good nights sleep. I like being able to catch as much hours of the day as I can. I instantly regret this once it's time to get up, especially for work. Recently, though, I've been getting better at going to bed early and waking up less grumpy. My stress levels have reduced so much since getting a proper nights sleep.

Have you got any life tips on how to make your life more organized?
Twitter: @simplykarah10

Bekah // SK

Monday, 23 January 2017

TV shows // New Finds

I love watching TV shows. I may not watch as many as I used to but I love the thrill of finding a new show! Some of these shows are not brand new but I've just discovered them so they're new to me!

"A glimpse into an alternate history of North America. What life after WWII may have been like if the Nazis had won the war."

"Jane Doe is found in Time Square, naked with her entire body covered in tattoos"

"Following Queen Elizabeth II in the early years of her reign"

"Following the exploits of Miss Phryne Fisher as she solves crimes in 1920's Melbourne"

If you try any of them out, let me know what you think!

Kate // SK

Saturday, 21 January 2017

How Do I Survive | Moving Out

As many of you are aware, Kate and I have moved out of the parents house and into our own lovely, little home...exciting!
Moving out of your parents is a massive step for most people. It springs upon this new lease of independence. Where things will break, dishes won't magically get cleaned, washing will pile up, and the magic fairies don't live with you anymore.
I can, almost, guarantee that you will have some sort of breakdown. You'll get a tad bit homesick, you'll have a day where you just want to curl up in a ball and cry. You'll question whether this was the right decision. You'll find your flatmate annoying at times (sorry Katherine, it was only the day we moved in...I questioned moving out). I have gone through each and every one of these things. But now, I love where I live and know it was the best decision. 
But, just, how do you survive such a big change in your life?
I have collated a bunch of tips that helped me that I will genoursly pass onto you.

1. Breathe
Take a couple deep breaths and slow down. You'll feel yourself starting to calm a bit and it'll make you be able to think about what your doing.

2. Clear Your Mind
As difficult as it might be to clear your mind, especially if you're super stressed and anxious, it works. Throw out all your doubts and worries, all the positives, and start from the beginning. If you've already made the decision to move out and/or have already went and bought a house, then you really don't have a choice but to move. However, clearing your mind makes the move a little easier.

3. Budget
If you're moving into a property that is unfurnished then plan out what you need to buy. Write a list of what's most important and how much it's going to cost. Figure out how much money will be coming out your bank account, then add your furnishings to that, plus food (cause you have to live). Sensibley plan what you'll buy over the months and you'll be absolutely fine!

4. Weekly Shops
Unless you've always lived in a household where you buy things as you need them, then do a weekly food shop. Plan your meals, go round your house and write down what you need and buy it all in one. It'll actually save you a tonne of money!

5. Speak To Someone
Basically, stay in contact with people. I had a bunch of doubts the day I moved and after a while telling Kate was such a relief off my shoulders. I also talk to my mum a lot, we're pretty close so I'm happy to tell her when I'm happy and unhappy. She got a lot of my negativity laid on her and she was so helpful. Find someone to speak to if you're like me and worry and get stressed about these kind of things!

Do you have any other tip and tricks on how to survive moving out?
Twitter: @simplykarah10

Bekah // SK

Thursday, 19 January 2017

BlackOut Poetry

I can honestly say that I never thought I would be making a blog post about poetry. As you probably have gathered by now I am some what of an avid reader. I claim to read pretty much anything. Poetry has never been included in that. I don't read poetry. I don't get it and I don't enjoy it.

Recently, however, I've been thinking about how unfair that is of me. I hate when people say they don't like reading but they've only ever tried reading one or two books all of the same genre. And that's what I'm doing with poetry isn't it?

It seems to me that there is a new wave of poetry that I can try. So try I will.
Expect a poetry book haul in the next month or so!

I was watching a booktuber by the name of Ariel Bissett, she's someone that I dip in and out of watching but recently it's been more a dip in than out. In the video Ariel was talking about blackout poetry.

Blackout poetry is a method which uses already written work in order to make poetry. So in theory you could turn to any page in a magazine, newspaper or book and blackout words in order to highlight the words which would form your poem. An Instagram account that shows this beautifully is Colette Love Hillard.

Now if you read my post a few weeks ago about how I treat books then you will know that I am not generally comfortable with the idea of writing in my books. So when I decided I wanted to give blackout poetry a go and I wanted to do it a book I had to decide to find a book to "ruin".
I decided to go to a charity shop and buy a second hand book to use.

Now I took this one step further than most, while some would just buy any old second hand book I decided I wanted to buy: a second hand book, a second hand book that I had previously read, a second hand book that I had previously read and enjoyed and finally a second hand book that I had previously read, enjoyed and was in a particularly ugly edition.
All of this of course was to assuage my guilt at "ruining" a book.

So I have chosen a particularly boring edition of Dracula by Bram Stoker.

I am absolutely loving making this poetry. Never did I think I would be able to make poetry and actually enjoy it.

This poetry is written for me not for anyone else. Sharing it doesn't feel comfortable but this form of expression has helped me so I want to share it in the hope that it may help others.

As I am now determined to find my niche in the world of poetry I would love some recommendations!

Kate // SK

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

We Went To Amsterdam!

Way back in August some of you might remember that we went to Amsterdam and because I am me, I completely forgot to share our pictures! 
So, today's the day you get to see my mediocre snaps from our lovely little break!

Let us know where you're holidaying this year!
Twitter: @simplykarah10

Bekah // SK