I've been talking a lot about books recently. Whenever I talk to a fellow book lover the conversation inevitably comes around to our bookish opinions. It's a conversation that can easily become heated. We book lovers are an opinionated lot! So I thought today that I would tell you my opinions.
New books or Second hand books?
I love both. My collection is probably made up of around 50% new books and 50% second hand books. I love bookshops of all shapes and sizes. But there is something about second hand bookshops that I just absolutely adore.
Hardback or Paperback?
Generally I prefer paperbacks for 3 reasons: they're cheaper, they fit on my shelves better and they're much more comfortable to read.
Bookmarks or Dog Eared?
Bookmarks. I am totally fine with battered old copies of books but I CANNOT STAND when people fold over the corners of books to mark their spot. I don't know why it bugs me so much but it just does.
Collecting sets?
I love collecting books in sets. I love the red spine vintage classics as well as the children vintage classic collection. My absolute favourite books are my Penguin Clothbound Classics, they are beautiful beyond description.
Annotating books?
Nope, I can't do it. I wish I could but I can't. Maybe this will change one day but at this time in my life I just can't bring myself to do it!
Where do I buy my books?
Usually I buy my books second hand from the Amazon Marketplace, new books I generally buy at Waterstones. Ideally I would love to be able to go to a little independent second hand bookshop but there just isn't one near me (sob!). There is a small independent bookshop in my town which I have started using.
I would love to hear all your opinions on this. Even if they do disagree with mine!
Kate // SK