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Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Feminism // Opinions

Feminism. Is it just me or do people flinch when you say that word? It gets a similar reaction to a swear word, sometimes even a worse reaction. Why is the idea of woman wanting to be equal to men something to flinch at?

Over the past 6 months I have decided to start doing some wider reading on feminism and really work out what I believe and why I believe it. Books like "I Call Myself a Feminist" and "Everyday Sexism" have highlighted to me how much I don't know and how much I put up with when it comes to feminism.

Obviously reading these books have an impact, I end up talking about them to my friends. It was really interesting talking about being a feminist with my male friends. Don't get me wrong they're all great, they would probably all class themselves as feminists but they don't really want to talk about it. If I make a comment or observation to do with feminism their reaction tends to be ignore or joke. I've become the "raging feminist" and trust me I've not been showing the raging part of me! We're a friend group of thinkers, we like discussing beliefs and problems, so why doesn't this extend to feminism?

I don't want to be a "raging feminist" - whatever that means. I would however love to talk about feminism, what it means, why it matters and what place there is for it in the world today. And at the moment I don't have anyone to do that with. Any takers?

Feminism to me is about equality. I think it's that simple. Everyone, regardless of gender should be afforded the same rights and chances as anyone else. The problem arises because people don't believe that there is inequality any more. It doesn't take much to prove them wrong. Inequality is everywhere and it's not just gender that can be used to set people back: sexuality, race, age, appearance, history. When are we as humans going to learn to accept people for who they are?

What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree or disagree?
Let us know @SimplyKarah10

Kate // SK

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