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Friday 2 December 2016

December Plans // What's Kate Doing?

Hey guys,

So we've decided that this year we won't be doing Blogmas. The idea of blogging every day on top of moving house and not having WiFi was just to stressful for both Bekah and I.
Instead we've decided to take it easy and blog as and when we can.

I thought today I would give you a little run down of a few of the things I'll be doing this December and what you can potentially look forward to seeing on the blog.

Christmas Nativity Service - every year the young people and children at my church put on an adaptation of the Nativity for the congregation. This year's play is called "The Reluctant Shepherd" and I'm helping to organise it all. A lot of work but very exciting.

Christmas Eve Service - myself and several of my friends organise and run the two Christmas Eve services my church has every year. It's my church service of the year.

Moving House? - this one still has a question mark on it because it's not totally confirmed yet but fingers crossed December will be the month Bekah and I move into our little house!

Christmas Markets - hopefully many a Christmas market will make an appearance on the blog this December.

Work Nights Out - I have three jobs so that means three work nights out, all this socialising is going to be exhausting!

Rogue One - Our tickets for the midnight showing of Rogue One are all booked! I'll definitely have a mini review of that one up.

Cosy Nights In - is there any need to explain this one?

All in all you can expect festive posts as well as not so festive. Hopefully lots of moving posts and some hauls, with Christmas tree decorating and Christmas markets mixed in!

Kate // SK

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