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Thursday 8 December 2016

Life Update // We Moved House!

Well hey there. It's actually been a while since I wrote a blog post, the last few to go up have been pre-written posts, and you know why that was? (Of course you do it's in the flipping title but give me this..I'm excited).
We moved house!

Bekah and I have finally moved in together. So we've both spent the past week or so packing all our stuff up and moving it all in. We're still living out of boxes so if posts are a bit infrequent the next week or so please forgive us.

I'm bruised (a slight incident with the attic), I'm tired and I've seen more cardboard boxes in the past week than I ever want to see again. But, I'm also happy and excited about what's to come.

Pictures and blog posts all about moving and our new house coming soon.

But in the meantime I leave you with something I learnt during this moving process...
If you have measured the size of your car and the size of the boxes from Ikea and don't think the boxes will fit. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. So even when an Ikea worker tells you she got the same boxes in a Fiat 500 DON'T LISTEN TO HER. Because if you do you will end up standing awkwardly in an Ikea warehouse car park waiting for your friend to come with his car to take the stuff that doesn't fit in your car.

Kate // SK

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