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Friday 11 November 2016

TGIF // Friday Favourites

There's a definite Autumn/Winter theme to today's Friday Favourites. I just bloomin love A/W.

This tote bag is from Waterstones, the illustration is by Quentin Blake, it's a total throw back for me so when I saw it I snapped it up right away. It's smaller than your average tote bag and I've been using it to transport my lunch to and from the office every day. It's the perfect size.

I've been lucky enough to have some how managed to have a cold for a month straight now, this ginger cordial has been a total life saver for me. This cordial is the only reason I've not lost my voice/ torn out my throat in annoyance or curled up in a ball and tried to hibernate.

I have these pyjama trousers as part of a set from Primark. There is nothing more wintery (is that a word) in my mind than a set of red tartan pyjamas. Every time I wear them it makes me happy. My sister and Bekah also have the same set because I made them get them and we are that cool. Jealous? I thought so.

My sister got me this lipstick last year and I love it. It's really dark and probably as close to black as I will ever be brave enough to wear. Plus, could the packaging get any nicer?

I picked these boots up from Ebay for £16 and oh my am I in love. They are so comfortable and they don't make the clip clop noises (the two things I value most in a heeled boot).

What are some of your favourites during the Autumn/Winter seasons?

Kate // SK

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