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Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Bullet Journal // June Set Up

I'm making a good number of changes this month. I've found myself slacking on my bullet journal this month and I think the reason why is that I've not adapted it for my needs enough.

I am loving this new month layout, no changes here!

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Resolutions Update // May

How is it nearly June, this year is going scarily fast right now!

1. Write a little sum up of the day, a prayer and a word or feeling of the day in a notebook. Every day. - I have failed miserably this month. I ended up having to catch up about 3 weeks worth of dailies in one day. I think the use of doing this everyday is diminishing and that's meaning that I'm less determined to do it.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

New Music | May

If I could write about new music this month it would be about Ariana Grande's new album 'Dangerous Woman'. It is seriously the greatest album of the year! I love her voice and her style and I was SO excited when her album dropped - Kate will agree, I was way too over excited.
However, I guess I should show some diversity and speak about people other than Ariana (but I will throw in two of Ariana's song because she's so great)

Monday, 23 May 2016

Couch To 5K // Week 7

Week 7:
Days 1-3 - 25 minute run

Run 16:
I knew going into this run that I could do it because a 25 minute run was the last run of week 6 too. I found it okay, I get pretty bored running straight for 25 minutes and I'm not really looking forward to doing this for three days this week.

Sunday, 22 May 2016

This Is Scotland | Pitlochry

Pitlochrly. I flipping LOVE this village.
So many childhood memories. My family and I would normally go here for caravan holidays during the summer when I was really young and my goodness I loved it.

Kate and I decided to take a little trip there last weekend and explore. 
We pretty much just stayed down by the river but we got some amazing photos that we thought we'd share with you all.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

TGIF // Friday Favourites

Time for another Friday favourites. This time I've based it around a "normal spring look" for me. I haven't put trousers in but obviously I do wear skinnies (duh).

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Youtube // The Vloggers

I watch a lot of youtube videos, something which I've recently got into is vloggers. There's something so nice about vlogging, it seems more real. And I don't mean people who just walk around talking to camera. I'm talking about the people who have genuine talent for film making and produce creative and inspirational content.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

This Is Scotland | Cramond & Skateboarding

Last week Kate and I had a couple days away from home. Aka, Kate was house sitting for a family and they asked if I wanted to join her.
So, we decided for the first 'This Is Scotland' post we'd do a little vlog of our time away.
Bare in mind we were only about 30-40 minutes from home.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Couch To 5k // Week 6

Week 6:
Day 1 - 5 minute warm up, 5 minute run, 3 minute walk, 8 minute run, 3 minute walk, 5 minute run, 5 minute cool down
Day 2 - 5 minute warm up, 10 minute run, 3 minute walk, 10 minute run, 5 minute cool down
Day 3 -  5 minute warm up, 25 minute run, 5 minute cool down

Monday, 9 May 2016

This Is Scotland // An Introduction

As you may have gathered by now Bekah and I live in Scotland.
Now, Scotland is well known for stunning landscapes, ancient castles and towns and beautiful beaches and we want to show you all of this and more!
Our new blog series "This Is Scotland" is where we hope to shine a spotlight on some of the things we love about Scotland.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Couch To 5K // Week 5

Week 5:
Run 1 - 3x5 minute runs with 3 minute walks in between
Run 2 - 2x8 minute runs with a 5 minute walk in between
Run 3 - 20 minute run

Run 13:

Okay so this run was AMAZING. The first 5 minutes flew by, the second was fine and we sprinted the last half of the third 5 minute set. SPRINTED!!! Today I'm putting up screenshots of the tracker and the run map to show you the true inaccuracy that is the tracker. Just look how long the 3rd Kilometre is!!

Monday, 2 May 2016

Bullet Journal // May Set Up

Another month with very little changes, I'm hoping to make a few key changes next month so watch this space!