Bullet journaling. It's my new obsession. I have been a faithful Filofax type journal user for years and it never even crossed my mind to try something new. Until I stumbled across Kara from Boho Berry's YouTube and Blog. This amazing lady is seriously talented when it comes to her bullet journals and after watching her videos I decided to give it a go for myself.
The whole concept of the bullet journal is that it's totally flexible and adaptable for the individual user. If you need a tonne of future planning and hardly any day to day plans then that's what you can do. Don't get me wrong I still use my Filofax planner but I'm absolutely loving the bullet journal.
1. numbered pages
2. pre made index
3. comes in a tonne of gorgeous colours
The Set Up:
One of the best things about this notebook is the pre set up index. The index is an essential part of the bullet journal as it allows you to easily find the different spreads in your journal.
One of my favourite things that I saw on Boho Berry's post was her 2016 overview. I decided to make my own and I'm super happy with how it turned out!
Another essential for bullet journaling is the key. As the name suggests bullet journaling includes a lot of list making and having a method of distinguishing tasks from appointments is very helpful.
The future log is one of the ways the bullet journal tries to allow for future planning. Lots of people split the future log into three month sections and spread it out among the bullet journal. I like the idea of having it all together. With this being my first time bullet journaling I'm trying a few different ideas!
My saving goals spread is another part totally inspired by Boho Berry. Isn't it pretty!
January Spread: I'm not keen on this layout. I think it looks quite messy so maybe next month I'll do something different but for now this is what I'm going with.
My morning challenge is a new thing in my life. I am not someone who likes to wake up so I thought writing down a challenge might help me become more of a morning person.
My January tracker is another part of the journal inspired by Boho Berry. This month I'm tracking a tonne of different things to work out what I really want to track. This is definitely something which I will be adapting more over the next few months!
I love the idea of a gratitude log but I don't think it's quite working at the moment. I'm going to have a think about I could change it to work better for me (any suggestions welcome!)
My weekly spreads are pretty self explanatory and I'm quite happy with how they look. Whenever you see quotes, stuck in cards or washi tape in my bullet journal they're generally covering a mistake, there's no need for a mistake to look ugly!
So this post turned out quite long! I apologise for the ugly white lines in some of the pictures but this is my personal journal so some of the information is private and not something I want to share with the entire world! I've not even nearly said everything I have to say about my new obsession. Let us know if you want more Bullet Journal blogposts!
Twitter and Instagram: @SimplyKarah10
Kate // SK