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Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Life Thoughts // RESOLUTIONS

If you follow us on Twitter you may have noticed that I tweeted today, saying I would post a blog at some point during the day. And my goodness I have been wracking my brain ever since just thinking about what to post!

A baking tutorial? No that requires me to whip out the camera
A monthly favourites? Again, I need to get the camera
A thoughtful walk post? It's now way too dark to go for a walk so no photos can be taken, plus I don't live in the most picturesque village

Really, I just want to sit down and chat with you all. have you been!? Long time no see. Big thanks to Kate for keeping up with all the blog posts (especially during Blogmas, I think I only posted two posts during that period of blogging fun, so yeah, round of applause to her). Oh and Happy New Year from me, let's get that out of the way! Can you believe it's 2016 though? When people say things like "Oh I haven't been to *insert holiday destination* since 2006" I just stand there and think "That's only two years ago" but no! It's 10 years since 2006 past. WHAT!? Which then makes me think, where the hell has my life gone? 10 years ago I was 12, I just started High School and was heading into teenage mode. Now, I'm 22, I've just started a new job and heading into the "I really need to move out of my parents house" mode.
I feel like once you get to this age, you know the "I'm no longer 21, I should now be a responsible adult" age, you start to think about life. Or that's what I seem to be doing anyway. It's also the age where you start to think some "dark" 

Here, I'll give you a few:
Will the people I'm friends with now be my friends in 10 years time? WILL I EVER SEE THEM AGAIN!?
Oh geez, 8 years to 30! I'm halfway to 44! But I'm less than half the way to 40! I'M SO OLD!
My goodness, 22? Which means I'm almost 23. And I'm single, which means I'm never going to find love soon. I'LL BE THE OLDEST MOTHER GOING!

Ok, that last one is a little extreme but honestly, these have been thoughts that have crossed my mind a little more than once.
Fun fact about me: I worry. A lot.
I'm not one for making New Years resolutions ("New Year, New Me!" please, stop.) but, I decided that 2016 will be my year. Sounds a little pretentious maybe, but let me explain. It's my year to get my life sorted. It's the year I'm going to get fit. It's the year I'm going to try my hardest with my career. It's the year where I'm going to be more positive. Be positive within myself, have a positive mindset. And, it's the year where I'm going to sit down and do some bible study. Because I really feel like my faith is getting stronger every day, and I want to learn so much more than when I'm just sitting in church and listening to a sermon.

So yeah, this is the blog post for today. It may not make sense and may be a little jumbled up but I'm going to leave it there. Conclusion? I'm not as old as I think I am and I'm not that great at coming up with last minute blog posts. Sorry!

Tweet us your Resolutions for 2016: @simplykarah10
Beatrice (maybe) // SK x

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