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Friday 22 January 2016

Travel Essentials // Face and Body

I can't pack lightly. I try, every time I'm going on a trip I think to myself "this is it, this is the time I'll pack really light and only take the absolute essentials". It's never yet happened. So, I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm not a light packer. I thought I would show you some of the products I take with me when I go away for a weekend.

 The Bag: I got this from Primark not long ago, it's perfect because it's huge and as you're about to see I fill it.
 The Basic Essentials: Deodorant and Face Wipes - need I say more?

 Shower: 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner is pretty handy when it comes to travelling. You might not get you're usual high shine or high volume hair but it's quicker and lighter to travel with. And a body wash is another obvious one!

 Skincare: I've recently been trying to find a skincare routine that works for me, at the moment I have a 5 product regime which is all well and good until you need to take it with you. I found these in my "random products I've not used yet" box and thought I would take this trip as an opportunity to try them out.

 Teeth: Toothpaste and a toothbrush (with a brand spanking new head on it - ooo aahh what a treat!)

The Tools: Facecloth, Hairbrush and Razor

And there you have it. We already have a Travel Non-Essentials blogpost up here and we'll be doing more travel posts as we go.
What are some of your travel face and body essentials? Tweet us @SimplyKarah10

Kate // SK


  1. These are great choices girl! And your blog looks lovely <3 Keep up the good work.

    xoxo, Donyelle

    1. Hey!
      Thanks so much!
      I love the look of your blog too.
      Kate // SK
