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Monday 13 February 2017

Top 5 // All Time Favourite Books

I love lists and I love hearing lists about books, so I'm going to start a new little series which I'll do twice a month(ish).
Today I thought I would start off with my top 5 favourite books ever. You know something nice and easy (NOT).
My favourite books change all the time so this is my current top 5 favourite books.

The Little Paris Bookshop - Nina George
I've 100% talked about this book before. It's a book about books. Monsieur Perdu prescribes books as medicine for the hardships of life. This book follows him as he takes his bookshop barge down the canals of France to try and find peace with his past.

Silent In The Grave - Deanna Raybourn
I chose the first book in this series but really I don't know if I could decide between the first three books in this series.
The book follows Lady Julia Grey as she tries to solve the mystery of her husbands murder with the help of the mysterious Nicholas Brisbane.

The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett
This is classic children's book following Mary Lennox as she goes to live on the Yorkshire moors with her Uncle following the death of her parents.
The perfect book to read on a grey rainy day.

The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern
Le Cirque des RĂªves arrives with no warning or advertisements. One day it's not there the next it is.
I'm not going to give anything away about this book but I've never met anyone who hasn't enjoyed it. The descriptions in this book are so vivid you feel as if you were there.

Eat Sweat Play - Anna Kessel
I haven't even finished this book but I already know it's going to be one of my favourites.
This is the kind of book that you have to read bit by bit because you keep stopping and just having to sit and take in what you're reading.

Kate // SK

NB: This Top 5 series is an idea I have nicked from Booktube. I think the Top 5 Wednesday videos started with Lainey at GingerReadsLainey and has spread since then.

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