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Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Blogger // How to Make Your Pictures BIGGER

We've been blogging for a while now and we thought it was about time we shared some of the things we've learnt along the way. Blogging has brought with it a whole host of things to learn some of which sound like they'll be tricky but are actually super simple (if a bit time consuming!)

So today we're gonna talk about making your pictures bigger. You've probably worked out by now that when you insert your picture you can choose between: small, medium, large, extra large and original size.
Usually when you insert a picture it's automatically set to medium. Previous to finding out how to make picture bigger manually I just made them extra large. But it was never quite big enough for those photo heavy posts.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Relieving Stress | 5 IDEAS

If you don't know already, I'm a Nurse. Yes, a 22 year old nurse. We do exist. And with this career comes STRESS. I have never been so stressed in a workplace in any of my jobs. In fact, no. I've never been so stressed in all my life. Not through Uni, not through school, not through doing anything that takes me out of my comfort zone. I do three 12 and a half hour shifts a week and once a month I do four. My workplace is very unpredictable - as in busyness and illness. You can come in with a plan for your day and after handover you have like 20 things to add to your to-do list. And let me tell you, 12 hours is not a lot of time. TRUST ME. Plus, being newly qualified and thrown into the deep end in a, mostly, crazy busy ward just sends your stress levels sky high.
Don't get me wrong, my colleagues are lovely and supportive and have really helped me over the last few months and I really love my patients but my stress levels have just been going up.
So, I want to share with you a few ways on how I deal with stress.
Also, I know everyone deals with stress in different ways but this is what works for me:...

Monday, 28 March 2016

Resolutions Update // March

For those of you who haven't read my original New Years resolution post I shall give a brief explanation: This year I made five resolutions and decided that every month I would make a post giving a wee update on my progress in the hopes it would keep me motivated. So this was March.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Bullet Journal // April Set Up

 I feel like I say this every month quick did this month go!?!
It's almost April already so it's time for my monthly bullet journal set up.
There are a good few changes this month so here goes...

Monday, 21 March 2016

How To // A Complete Guide to Babysitting

I know what you might be thinking. Babysitting? That's easy anyone can do that. And yes anyone can. But there is a big difference between being able to do it and being a babysitter that families use again and again and recommend to their friends and that both the kids and the parents like.

I've been babysitting for a long time now so I thought I would collate some of the things I've learnt and some of the tips I have.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

The Opposite of Loneliness // Book Review

The Opposite of Loneliness by Marina Keegan is something I've seen around but never picked up. I kind of assumed I wouldn't really like it. And to be brutally honest I think I assumed the only reason it had been published was because she died and who wouldn't publish a book of essays and poems written by someone who died so young? I'm aware how awful that sounds but I'm a cycnic okay?

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Portugal // Travel Blog

So as you may have gathered from our Instagram and Twitter I (Kate) was recently in Portugal with work for a conference. Luckily I also had some free time while I was there to explore a bit. I thought I would show you some of the picture from my trip and share a few stories!


We stayed in a hotel in Carcavelos which was only a couple of minutes away from the beach. And what a beach. If I had an hour between sessions I would nip away and sit and read a book and watch the surfers do their thing. It was gorgeous!

Thursday, 10 March 2016

The Truth About Scotland

If you didn't know already we here at Simply Karah live and work in Scotland. We thought it was time we pitched in with our say on popular Scottish myths. So if you're reading for some of your Scottish misconceptions to be challenged then here we go.

The Kilt
Now, B and I don't go around wearing kilts for obvious reasons BUT it might shock some readers to know that neither do the Scottish men. I can go weeks without seeing a single man in a kilt.
That's not to say they don't exist. Come to a Scottish wedding or a ceilidh (that's a dance) and there will be kilts a plenty!
On a side note: did you know that different families have different types of tartan (that's the pattern kilts are made from) so families with the last name McDonald will have a different kilt from the Dempsie's.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Woodland Walk Adventures // LIFE

Oh how we love a good walk. Fresh air, the smell of woodlands, the (sometimes) sunshine. It's just bliss. 
Why don't I spare you the details and just get straight into pictures of our most recent walk.


Thursday, 3 March 2016

Netflix Addiction // The Tv Shows

As you may have gathered by now I am a Netflix addict, I watch ALOT of tv shows so today I thought it was only fair if I spread the love and shared some of my favourite shows of the moment.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Resolutions Update // February

So February has flown by and I thought I would give you an update on how I'm doing with my resolutions (read the original post here).

1. Write a little sum up of the day, a prayer and a word or feeling of the day in a notebook. Every day. - Apart from the occasional day where I've forgotten and had to update it the next day I'm still doing well with this one.

2. Get healthier - This month was an improvement on last month. Swimming once a week is lovely and I'm definitely keeping that up. Once I have enough money I'm definitely getting a gym membership. Eating wise most of the time I'm doing well it's just the eating out I need to work on!! McDonalds and I have a complicated relationship, he gets sad if I don't visit him often!