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Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Train Journey Thoughts

Scotland. It’s a flipping beautiful place. Sometimes when we get caught up in the hum drum of our everyday lives we can forget to just look around us and appreciate the incredible world that we live in.
A few times a month I take a train from Edinburgh to Dundee. I usually grab the train just after 7am and (understandably) I have to admit that most of the time I either dose off, read a book or (most often) run down my battery, usually on Instagram.
Last week was one of those rare mornings where, waking up at 5:30am, I was weirdly awake and ok to be that way (if you know me you will be aware how rare this is, I am NOT a morning person). So, for once when I got on the train I didn’t instantly close my eyes and curse the existence of the need to function before 10am. Instead, I opened up the kindle app on my phone popped on my audiobook (The lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring) and decided to have a good old stare out the window.
As some of you may know, the train route between Edinburgh and Dundee goes right along the coast, past a good number of beaches (surprisingly empty at 7am), vast sea views and on the other side field after field of every imaginable shade of green. I got a little bit too into the lord of the rings and staring at the fields I could just imagine being part of that little team of 5 trying to get the ring to Rivendell. Then I remembered that a) if I was a hobbit living in the shire I would never have left and b) even if I had left I would have probably tripped and broken an ankle with the first day. Moving on..
You know when you were a kid and couldn’t stand 20 minutes in a car without playing a game of some type? No? Just me then. Well one of the games we used to play in my family was spot the animal (imaginative I know!). Basically, the rarer the animal the more the points. This train journey would have been perfect for this game.
Obviously, I saw cows, sheep and horses (these were in the fields not the sea), miscellaneous birds and my favourite of all seals! Usually if you’re lucky enough to see a seal it’s a little black dot in the middle of the sea which vanishes just as you try to snap a picture. This time there were little groups of seals all along the coast, drying themselves off on the rocks. I have to say I got a little too excited about this!
Now, to the point (because I promise there was a point to this) I got off that train feeling a little bit sad that it was over and vowing to myself that I would try to look out the window a bit more. I am by no means saying that from now on anyone on the 7am train to Dundee will see me happily staring out the window, wide awake and enthusiastic. No. Most of the time I will probably be sat with my head in my hands drifting in and out of consciousness. But. I am saying that from now on I’m going to attempt to actually look around me at the world, not the world we humans have built up, the actual, back to basics, green, brown and blue earth that is the only one we’ve got and definitely worth paying attention to.
So, and I mean this in the least condescending way, why don’t we all try and ‘look out the window’ more often and appreciate what’s around us. Even if it is only getting excited about some seals on an early morning train journey.
Anybody else been pleasantly surprised on a journey? Any fabulous memories of old school car games?

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