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Friday, 27 November 2015

Just Be You

"Just be you."    "Just be the best version of you."

A lot of you probably already hear this from people and think "yeah ok, whatever! You're just trying to be nice or helpful or something but your words, THESE words, won't effect my everyday life" and yeah, you're probably right. These words might not effect your everyday life but this weekend I really got thinking about those little phrases.

It all came from this; we were away down South this weekend. The two of us and two of our other friends. Having to spend a lot of time together, in a car for 7 hours and also hanging out with each other for long hours too. So, naturally we got to know each other a lot more, but we're friends so we know each other quite well anyway. One of our friends has made a fashion choice. I say this as though it's a recent thing but actually I think they've made this "choice" since as long as I've known them. SKINNY TRACKIES. Bet those were two words you never thought would be strung together. But yes, skinny trackies are a thing. And yes, we - and many of our other friends - have spoken to them about this, somehow, fashion choice.

Now before I go any further. If you're a guy, or even a girl, who has cottoned onto this new "trend" - I use that term loosely - and are loving it, then good for you. Embrace the skinny trackies. I'll try my best not to judge them badly, I just can't really wrap my head around the trend. Maybe because I grew up in a town where (in my young teenage years) wearing trackies was, somewhat, cool or was just the general fashion choice back then. Yes, yes, I was - in Scottish terms - a chav. Or a ned if you like, but let's move on from that - let's NOT talk about traumatizing fashion from our past.

Anyway, as much as myself and many others tell them how atrocious this trend is, they still persist in wearing them. To the point, where this weekend they chose to wear a full blown skinny tracksuit. Now, both items are not as bad separate as they are together. Again, we told them how awful this look was but once again they embraced it and continued to wear the more than tight tracksuit.
What I'm getting at is that no matter how many times I tell my friend how ridiculous this fashion choice is they ignore it. They don't let anyone tell them how they should or shouldn't dress. They know what they like and don't care what anyone else says about it. And, genuinely, I think they apply this to the majority of their life. Which is actually quite powerful.

My question is, shouldn't we all be like this? I mean in life. Yes, I just spoke about fashion choice but it totally relates to life. Why do we think so much about what others think about us? Or try and make the people around us happy by being something we're not? And before you think I have it all sussed or think that I'm writing this because I'm always myself around others and have the perfect solution on how to be you, then don't. I'm not. Around my family, around my closest friends, yes I'm me but around most people I'm not me. I want to make everyone happy. And actually, I think that's quite sad.
So, I want to try and be me. Around everyone. Start off with simple things like, saying you dislike something when someone else likes it and vice versa - truthfully of course. Don't be argumentative about it, and don't be mean about it. Be honest and explain. No one will hate you for it. And hey, if you both like or dislike the same thing then you have something in common - WOO!
I'm not going to give you a step-by-step guide on how to be you because I don't have the answers. In fact, are there any answers? I think, really, it comes from the mind. Don't over think it. Start off small and work your way up. Be positive. Have a positive mind-set. Which, yes, I know can be so difficult for some people - I struggle with being positive about myself, it's a common thing - but it's just about being positive when approaching things. It's not about your appearance.
So just try. Try putting those negative, toxic thoughts to the side. To the back of your mind. Before going into an "uncomfortable" situation just think this "I am me. I can be the best version of me. I have my own opinions, and if someone disagrees then that's ok. "
Our life shouldn't be spent worrying about what the next person might think of us. Can you imagine a life like that!? It would be a non-stop thing.

Just breathe, be honest, be positive. Just be YOU.


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